MMB Publications

The Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae embrace five series:

  1. Principalis (Facsimile editions of Byzantine musical manuscripts)
  2. Subsidia (Studies and monographs on Byzantine chant)
  3. Transcripta (Critical editions of Byzantine chant in transcription)
  4. Lectionaria (Critical editions of Byzantine lectionaries with ekphonetic notation)
  5. Corpus Scriptorum de Re Musica (Critical editions and translations of treatises on Byzantine Chant)

During the long history of the MMB, the project has collaborated with a number of publishers, from which some printed volumes can be obtained.

Unfortunately, many of the prints have since long been out of stock. Therefore, the MMB now offers PDF-files of all works that are not subject to copyrights that might prevent public access.

Downloadable materials are offered from this site on the following terms:

Creative Commons License
All downloadable works from the MMB site are made available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

This article was updated on 4 december 2024