News - July 2021
Early in 2021, we had the pleasure to welcome prof. Maria Alexandru (Thessaloniki) and Prof. Donatella Bucca (Rome/Messina) as new members of the Editorial board. Welcome!
In early spring 2021, the long awaited for Vol. 6 (Akakios Chalkeopoulos, ed. Wolfram) of the series CSRM was published by our new house publisher, Brepols, see the series overview here: Link - And the website of the publisher here: Link
Now, by July 2021, the MMB site has started to offer downloadable pdf-files of the old publications, that are out of stock, but still might be useful for Byzantine chant researchers and the general public. - Check out for links under each series - Link to Publications. For now, the whole Prophetologium is available in a scanned and slightly annotated version by Sysse Engberg (thanks!). Publications and parts of publications solely authored by Carsten Hoeg can be downloaded as well. We are currently in a process of contacting authors and heirs of authors to make as many MMB publications as possible available here under under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.